16th International Conference on Complex Acute Illness organized by POLIMI with a dedicated session to the project ShockOmics.

Three works are presented at 40th Annual Conference on Shock, June 3 – 6, 2017, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

  •  Responsiveness to therapy in the acute phase of septic shock: a metabolomics analysis (A. Cambiaghi)
  • Different response to therapy in septic shock: an autonomic perspective (M. Carrara)
  • Preliminary analysis of trascriptomic modifications in septic shock patients at multiple time points (D. Braga)

Three contributions were presented at the 15th Conference on Complex Acute Illness (ICCAI) August 10-14, 2016

  • M. Carrara: Association between autonomic imbalance and recovery of organ function in early septic shock
  • F. Aletti: Merging physiological and statistical models for a better understanding of shock
  • M. Ferrario: Baroreflex analysis in the recovery after cardiac arrest in a porcine model

Two contributions were presented at the 16th Congress of the European Shock Society (ESS) in conjunction with the 14th Conference on Complex Acute Illness (ICCAI)

September 24 -27, 2015

  • M. Carrara: Mortality prediction model of septic shock patients based on routinely recorded data
  • A. Cambiaghi: Target metabolomics for improving early prediction of death in patients with septic shock (abstract published in Shock, Volume 44, Suppl 2, pp 19-20, 2015)

8th October 2015 – First metabolomic meeting, IFOM, Milan, Italy

Invited talk of Manuela Ferrario: “Short term and long term mortality prediction model in severe septic shock: analysis of effectiveness of target metabolomics approach”